Genshin Impact — Artifact Route and Blue Crystal Route — Patch 1.2 incl. Dragonspine

3 min readDec 29, 2020

1. Artifacts (Resets daily)

Video Walkthrough:

There are more artifacts on Dragonspine, but they don’t respawn. So far the only 2 spots that respown are the ones I visit in the video.

The first time you do a route, well, I’m not gonna lie, it takes a while. Once you get all your markers placed, after a couple runs, it becomes a 15–20 minute thing.

The last artifact on the route is recommended only if you don’t have anything else to do with the portable teleport. It lasts 7 days. In the last day, teleport there and place another portable teleport. It’s marked on the map with a circle.

2. Crystals

Video Walkthrough:

Light Blue Cystals reset every 72h-ish, but very few ones reset daily — ask the blacksmith every day. This is long and somewhat tedious, but super relevant if you want lvl 90 weapons for whatever reason. It takes a while, Zhongli’s elemental skill could really axe the it will take (could be more than 1h, I’m using a Ningguang with Lost Prayers that give an extra movement speed).

There are more crystals in the map, but I need more markers. :(

Also, this is more like a work in progress. Since I can only do it every 72h, the execution is less than stellar… Don’t take the lines super seriously. Also, if you are using Ningguang to farm crystals and an enemy shows up, try to keep the crystal between you and the enemy, so you can break it instead of attack the enemy.

That’s it for today, see ya.




Playing games on a budget since… a long time ago.