Farming Routes — Genshin Impact

4 min readDec 7, 2020

So, this is going to be a complicated one because it has visual resources. As in pictures and YouTube videos:

If you want to watch an one hour video just for the big part one, be my guest. The idea is for people to use the map and if they can’t, they can navigate through timestamps on the video description/first comment for mobile users. Without further ado:

Part 1:
Part 2:

  1. Continental Liyue

For the sake of adding timestamps, I divided Liyue map in “regions”. Here’s the deal: the artifact routes (the yellow ones in the map) take 10–20 minutes and respawn every 24. It’s ok to take a break once a week so the “clock” reset — or else it will move 20 minutes every day and you’ll be farming artifacts 4 AM. If that’s your thing, replace 4 AM with 8 AM and you’ll get the big picture.

The mineral routes (blue lines) respawn every 72h for the light blue crystals. Not all the marks are light blue crystals, not all the crystals are marked. I used as a priority the mining spots close-ish to waypoints.

As for the enemies, I used to have 75% the Samachurls marked on my map, but turns out it was too much. I went for all the Fatuis instead. Some ‘churls and various mobs are still marked and you can skip it (ymmv when it comes to the mats you want/need).

There is a trick for Fatui Skirmishers — if they raise a shield you can’t remove, kill the ones you can easily kill, teleport back to the way point and go all out damage on the “shielder” before he can shield.

I could have marked the 4 ruin guards on Guyan Stone Forest for our robot quota. Instead, for QoL I decided to mark 4 robots right above Jueyun Karst. They are somewhat separated, therefore it’s easier to get the cores.

2. Liyue Islands and Mondstadt

There is a single artifact on this part and it’s close to Yaoguang Shoal.

There’s a pinwheel you can activate with Anemo to climb the hill. Speaking of the shoal, that’s a “monster route” I feel like doing daily because it has a little bit of almost everything. If I had to pick one, I would pick this monster route. I do encourage you to look at Guyun Stone Forest.

Mondstadt is pretty much some Fatuis and mining routes. If you don’t care about Fatuis, you can skip Dadaupa Gorge. If you are building Tartaglia and Ninguang from Childe’s banner you might want to kill all the Fatui you can find for a week or two.

Mondstadt lackluster video section is a lonely Fatui on Stormterror’s area and mining spots — however — there are weekly quests for materials on battle pass and there are a bunch of ‘churls and crystals in stormterror lair and close to some markings. It’s slightly less useless than it look.

I forgot to include that mining route starting on the Dawn Winery WP, but you just need to follow the road.

Final thoughts

I do the whole thing once or twice per week. If I have a slow night on the weekdays or whatever I can catch from NFL is too one-sided. If you are bored, you could try it once to see how it is.

I try to farm the artifact route ~6 times a week. That takes 15-ish minutes and if you have to pick one, pick that. I might even make an 100% light blue crystal route when I get desperate, but I decided to include some on those routes so you don’t ignore them completely.

That’s it for now. Now I have YouTube videos to upload and link here. Thanks for reading. If you decide to copy-paste anything, give credit and post links.




Playing games on a budget since… a long time ago.